
and Expression

In this Q, we teach the learners effective communication through creative writing and public speaking

Creative writing and public speaking are two magnificent forms of expression that can boost the learners confidence and teach them how to captivate and inspire audiences. Creative writing teaches them to unleash their imagination and create stories where characters come to life. It teaches them how to communicate their unique thoughts and emotions through words.

Public speaking goes on to teach the power of speech to convey ideas, share stories, and connect with others to leave lasting positive impressions. Both creative writing and public speaking are powerful tools that teach the learners to share their voices and impact the world around them positively.

  • 01. meet the characters

    character development through story telling. theme, plot development and key characters

  • 02. structure + composition

    character development through creative writing. parts, types of poetry and rhyme schemes

  • 03. oratory + emoting

    character development through public speaking skills. oratory, emoting and body language